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TEAM UPDATE | September 24th 2020

Hey Team! Finally back with another update for you all. Its been a while, and we have quite a few important updates and reminders to cover so please have a good read below! Make sure you check in if you are not sure of something.


2hr Appts. & Dry Needling

Both of these appointment types have now been removed from online bookings to remove the ability for clients to book these themselves. 2hrs is a long time for an appointment, and it is very rare that a therapist will recommend that length of time as it is not necessary in most cases. It is also hard on the therapists, and given we are not a spa/relax clinic we would like to reserve this as an option for them to recommend only to those clients they think need it.

If a client calls requesting a 2hr appt. please ask them if their therapist has recommended that length of time for a specific reason. We can book them in for a 90min treatment, and if the therapist recommends/approves on going appts for 2hrs then we can do that.

Scripting Suggestions

As we are a Remedial Clinic, our 2hr appointment options are only available at the therapist recommendation. If you feel you need longer than our standard 1hour appointment, we can book you in for a 90min session and your therapist can assess whether follow-up appointments for 2hrs will be beneficial for you.

Dry needling appts have also been removed from online for the same reason. It should be up to the therapist as to whether they believe dry needling is necessary. It's not beneficial to shove needles into someone for no reason! If someone has requested dry needling, please guide them to a therapist who can perform that skill, and just make a note on the appointment that they have requested this. Let the client know that the therapist will be aware that they would like to discuss this as a treatment option, and they will be assessed in their appointment to see if it is beneficial to them.

Scripting Suggestions

THERAPIST NAME, is qualified to perform dry needling. I have made a note on your appointment that you would like to explore this as a treatment option, and they can assess to see whether this will be beneficial for you during your treatment.


Membership Program Discontinued - (YAY!)

We will be discontinuing the membership programs as of November this year. Obviously these have caused a fair bit of administration chaos at times so I'm sure many of you will be happy to hear this (myself included :)).

The main reason that we are sharing with clients is that 'Cliniko' the new software program we will be moving to as of December this year (fingers crossed) does not have the capability to run these.

All clients have been sent an email regarding this today. Final payments for any active memberships will come out in October, so they have plenty of time to use their credit before we switch over. All other payments past this date will be automatically cancelled.

We will still be offering Massage Packs as an option to those looking to receive a discount off their treatments.



The next Reception Meeting has been confirmed for Tuesday the 27th of October @ Greenslopes. It's a little bit further away than I would like, but we have a few tutorials and workshops coming up which we have to navigate and we need the PM's available to help us cover so we can all get together.

Please make sure that if there is anything urgent you need to check in about that you make time to catch up with me :)

I would like some more input from you guys this time on what you feel needs to be discussed. I have created a quick survey for you to complete at any stage between now Friday 23rd. You should be able to complete it as many times as you like, so if something new comes to mind you can submit a new response. Even if you think it will already be on our list, please submit it via the form as this way I will know how important it is that we make time to cover it off together.

Link to the survery is here :

Please make sure to respond to the event via facebook, and email me if you cannot attend.



This years Christmas party has now been booked and confirmed for Sunday 29th November 1pm @ Madame Wu's. Stay tuned for the FB event coming soon, and make sure that you RSVP ASAP as we will need to confirm numbers for catering and venue space.

As usual, it is a great event to get us all together for some fun and celebrate the year. I really hope as many of you as possible will be able to make it!

Food and beverages provided.

Crazy christmas costumes/jumpers are optional, but very much encouraged :)


Now onto the important reminders...


Please ensure that you are entering ALL details of the NP forms, AND double checking they are correct and saved as a copy on the client's profile before being scanned. DO NOT RUSH THIS PROCESS. We ask for all details for a reason, so it is important that we are recording them accurately on file.


- Client name

- email address (if provided on form) -> if we don't fill this in, or fill it in correctly we can't send through our feedback survey.

- Mobile number -> prefered method of contact.

- Referred by -> You need to assign the correct referral type here. If a client is referred by another person, this is were we are prompted to identify who it was so the can collect their $5 rewards.

- Client Indexes -> You need to assign the reason for visit and health fund here.

- Red and Yellow Alerts -> See our How To on Initial Forms to revise details

- Address (if provided on form)

- Birthday (if provided on form)



Ensure you are staying on top of any standard appointments (red) that are appearing with a green star. The green star is Mind Body telling us that they may be a new client as it cannot see any visit history on file. If you find one, search using the mobile number to identify if there are any duplicate files. If there are not, change the service type to an Initial Appointment.

This should be done in advance to the clients arrival!


Any change made to an appointment after a soap note has been started will result in that soap note being deleted. That includes: changing the appt length, type (standard to initial), adjusting payment issues ect.

If you do need to make a change, please open the soap note and copy and paste all sections to a word document. Make your change, then copy them back in and Save. This is super important as we will have lots of unhappy therapists if we don't do this! There is no way to recover a deleted soap note :(


It is now a requirement to search the client you are seaking by MOBILE NUMBER FIRST, not their name! We have too many clients with the same name in our system, and have had a few cases recently (and in the past) where the wrong client has been booked.


We have had a few cases recently where the wrong client has been cancelled, or a client has rescheduled and the original appointment has not been removed.

Please make sure that you are double checking the details of the client before you cancel -> my go to is always to confirm the last 3 digits of their mobile, even if they have provided me with their full name, time, and therapist.

Please make sure to cancel the original appointment once you have made the new one! Not only is it annoying for the client, but we may potentially cost the therapist a spot in their day that could have been available for other clients.


If a therapist is unable to treat a client, typically due to a contraindication that is outside of their scope of practice, there is a form they need to complete and steps they need to take. While this is predominantly in the therapist's hands, it is important for reception to know so they can assist where possible.

There should be copies of the form in the therapist breakroom or managers office, but they can quickly be found on File Plan for you to print off quickly.

The therapist is responsible for communicating with the client as to why they cannot proceed with treatment at this stage, recommending who they would refer them to see, and potentially helping them book an appointment.

A client does not need to pay anything if they are unable to be treated. If they have prepaid for the appointment a full refund can be processed, or transfered to their account as a credit (whichever the client would prefer).

The therapist needs to complete the Contraindicated Client Log immediately, and hand into their PM.


That's all for now lovely ladies!

Please make sure that you are looking after yourselves and staying healthy.

Check in with me directly if you have any Q's or concerns.

Em x

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