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TEAM UPDATE | August 2nd 2021

Hey Ladies!

Thank you very much to everyone who was able to attend our recent meeting on Tuesday 27th!

Below is a recap and reminder for everyone on what we discussed, so please be sure to have a thorough read through and reach out if you require any further clarification.



Please be sure to have read the recent post in our FB group from Kel and KD. We are staying on top of any updates from QLD each and every day and will obviously let you guys all know as soon as possible if there are any changes to be made.

Please be ready for adjustments to shift times if it becomes necessary, and please do not hesitate to reach out for a chat if you feel the need or have any concerns.


Just a few quick reminders from our update prior to the meeting...

  1. Key Boxes (Taringa and Newmarket): Please make sure that ALL numbers of the code are changed after opening or closing. Sometimes the code is left only one digit off, or even on the actual code itself! This obviously makes it really easy for someone to break in!

  2. Greeting Clients: Remembering to look up and SMILE when someone walks through the door and greet them straight away. Please don’t wait until they walk up to the desk to greet them. We know it’s hard sometimes when you are busy or just had a difficult call, but it really makes a huge impact on a client’s feeling about the business. If you put yourself in their position (particularly if they are a new client) that walk from the door to the desk can be quite awkward when everything is new to you and no one has even acknowledged you. It is also a good idea to try and look over the diary in advance throughout the day so you have a chance of knowing the clients name before their arrival. Huge thanks to everyone who already does this & for any help you give to other team mates!

  3. Breaks: A reminder that everyone is entitled to a 10min paid break (rest break) for every 4hours worked. At Taringa/Newmarket you will always need to either line this up with the PM or divert phones at a time that works on the diary. If you are working a long shift over 8 hours you can combine the two 10min breaks and have a 20min paid break, please just line this up with the PM or with your team mate if at Gslopes. If you ever work over 5hrs and want an extra unpaid 30min break (meal break), please make sure you speak with me about this as I will need to roster accordingly and make sure we can have someone there to support this as well as mark it on your timesheet.


There has been a noticeable difference in the number of appointments being confirmed and attended since we put more emphasis on this process earlier this year.

Please have a read of the detailed policy I have sent through to your emails today, and make sure that you are following this guide so we continue to have consistency across all clinics. We push for this proceedure so we have the best chance of confirming as many appointments as possible. Understandably, therapists get nervous when there are unconfirmed appointments on the diary, especially if the client has a history of MALCs and/or they have other clients on the cancellation list waiting for a spot.

Please make sure we are:

  1. First round of confirmation calls are made around 12pm with a follow up SMS sent to anyone we left a voicemail for.

  2. Second round of confirmation calls are made around 4pm-5pm (depending on when the clinic is closing) to any that have not confirmed. A follow up SMS needs to be sent to anyone we have only been able to leave a voicemail for.

  3. A follow up message needs to be sent on the day of the appointment for any still left unconfirmed.


  • Any appointments that are booked within 24hrs (meaning either the day of, or the day before) can be automatically confirmed on our end immediately. They will need to be marked as confirmed on the diary, and a note written on the apt. "NNTC booked {DATE}". We assume confirmation in these cases, provided there is not another reason we may need to call them, for example; HF issues, timing of the appointment, ect. If it is an initial appointment that has been booked online we can provide a follow up call to confirm they know the clinic details and are aware of any forms they will need to complete.

If you are booking an appointment for the day before, knowing that we will not need to call them again to confirm you could say:

"As is it less than 24hrs until your appointment we are going to consider that confirmed. In the instance that you do need to make any changes, we do have a 4 business hour cancellation policy. Give us a call directly on this number and just try give us as much notice as possible for us to reschedule with you."

  • Any appointments that automatically appear light purple on the diary have been preconfirmed by the client via one of the automated messages. Make sure to write a note, "NNTC - preconfirmed"

  • Make sure to write notes on the appointment detailing what step of the process you are up to / what contact you have sent, as well as making sure to mark the appointment as confirmed as soon as you have heard back from the client. We do not want to be annoying clients with repeat contact when it is not neccessary!

Please also be prepared and confident in how to handle a client who is unhappy with the amount of contact made. Scripting can be found for this in the policy update. Make sure you try to encourage them to respond to the first round of confirmation messages that way we do not need to continue contacting them. Assure them that the reason we have to be thorough with our process is that we still have many clients who do not confirm or arrive to their scheduled appointments and we want to be able to be able to accomodate the clients we have on our waitlists.


I know it is a very tideous process, so I want to say thank you very much to to all of you for continuing to check these so we ensure we have one for each and every client on file.

Please continue to be diligent with checking and recording the details and medical notes correctly into the client's profile. The common errors that we are still picking up include:

  • No email recorded when there is one written by the client on the file

  • Subscriptions not changed to reflect what the client has requested

  • Names being spelt incorrectly


In addition to all the other areas that need to be completed, if we can all please follow the structure below for Yellow and Red Alerts from now on that would be great to see. This way we have consistency with the structure across all clinics which helps make them easier to follow.

See the below example of how this will look on a real client's profile.


When I run my weekly report on Monday's I have been noticing a few MALC appointments have not been processed correctly in MB. Please remember:

  • Late cancels ALWAYS get moved to the right hand-side under the cancellation column. Notes must be written on the appointment as well as transferred to into the client profile.

  • Missed appointments stay where they are in the diary and the rest of the MALC process just like with a Late Cancellation applies.

Remember we have changed the way we have the notes in the client profile.

If we come across any old notes, please be sure to amend the structure. The new layout is designed so the MALC notes do not over shadow the health alerts.


If a client is running late for an appointment please be mindful not to make any promises to the client about shortening an appointment or running over. It will be up to the therapist to decide on what they wish to do. In most instances, the therapist will often choose to only charge the client for what they were able to receive or may go over into their break time to give them the full appointment but it is important that we let the therapist make that decision. As they are contractors, what we charge the client will determine what the therapist is able to invoice the business, so as you can imagine, it would be upsetting for them if we make decisions that affect their income when they are not at fault.

However; if therapist is running late for a client, we are able to make a change to the appointment to reflect on what works for the client.

For example, if a therapist is running late and the client is not able to stay back past the originally scheduled finish time in order to recieve the full appointment, we can shorten the appointment to suit the client.

With any other bookings or movements in the day that are out of the ordinary; for example, situations that may require extending days, or moving breaks ect., it is best not to confirm anything with a client if you are not sure. Either offer the client an alternative appointment that you do know works, or let them know that you would need to check with the therapist and get back to them.

A scripting example might be....

"Unfortunately I cannot offer you that appointment at the moment as it would mean a change to the therapists set scheduled. I would have to confirm with them directly to see if they could fit that in for you. Alternatively I can offer you this option in the mean time...(Give alternative). If that does not suit and you are happy to wait I can give you a call back once I have the opportunity to check with them."

As a general rule, it is always best to check with a therapist before making any change to the diary that you are not sure about :)


Just a few gentle reminders...

  1. Cleaning: Please keep up your regular and diligent cleaning and disinfecting particularly during the lockdown period! Big thank you to everyone for your efforts so far :)

  2. Water filters: As per my previous facebook post regarding the water filters, make sure that we are keeping these cleaned on a regular basis also, and the filters replaced every few months as needed.

  3. Uniform: Please remember to wear your name badge at every shift as part of your uniform. If you are missing yours or need a replacement, please let me know so I can order one for you. During the cooler months, please also remember that you must wear a black cardigan or blazer if needed. Jumpers and other jackets are not permitted. Our goal is to always look professional and well presented.


If you have any suggestions for our next reception social, please don't hesitate to let me know! I'd love to get the group together to do an activity if you're all keen, and very open to your input of what you'd like to do together

This will obviously come down to what happens with restrictions and lockdowns but I'd love to aim for end of Aug / start of September.


Thanks Team,

Enjoy the rest of your week!


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