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TEAM UPDATE | January 22nd 2021

Hey Team, it's time for another Team Update!

I am headed off on 2 weeks of leave from today so I wanted to use this opportunity to touch base with you all on a few key points and reminders for while I'm away.

I will be back on Monday the 8th of Feb, but in the meantime make sure you check in regularly with your PM's and/or Kristy if you need help with anything!


As per the FB post that Kristy put out yesterday, it is important that we are continuing to follow all the recommendations that Qld Gov. have made during this time. Until we are given notice that masks are no longer necessary, we will be continuing to wear them in line with the recommendations that are given.

No More Knots has made the decision to do this based on a number of factors, but it is important that as a health clinic we are shown to be following the recommended guidelines. If we did not, we would be heavily scrutinised by the public!

So until we let you know otherwise, please make sure that you have your mask with you and that you are wearing it while at work just as we have been previously.

We have now created a product for face masks in MindBody for clients requesting one. From now clients will need to pay for one if they want one. They are priced at $1 and you simply retail them through in MindBody like any other item.


Remember, I need your March availability/unavailability by the 10th of Feburary. All availbility is now due by the 10th of the month prior and you will need to let me know if you foresee any issues or concerns. Please make sure that you have this in on time, or contact me otherwise. We have the due date so I have time to put together the roster and make changes with plenty of notice to everyone if there are any issues.

I will also need everyone to confirm their availability for the final week of Feb (starting Mon 22nd) by the 8th of Feb so I can publish this as soon as I get back.


We have previously had a number of issues with the new website, specifically the booking page for the clients. There was a backend coding issue that we believe has since been rectified by MindBody in the last few days.

If you do have any client feedback, please take as much detail as you possibly can as well as asking the client to send us through screenshots of the issue. We need to be able to pass this all on to MindBody if we do experience any new complaints in order to be able to fix it.

Thank you for your help with this. Make sure that you forward your email onto either myself or Kristy if I away.


At anytime that you are not busy and the clinic is quite, please remember that there is still things that can be done! We ask that you use your initiative and look for what you can do to help make the clinic a better place.

We do have the 'Extra Tasks' page at the back of the GT books if you are stuck, but another things you can be doing are:

- Cleaning/Tidying/Disinfecting (Remember we need to be super diligent with this as part of our COVID procedures

- Store room clean out and stock check

- Clean out under the stairs/vacuum and organise

- Laundry clean out, try and vacuum/sweep around the machines

- Canva posters

- Holiday hours posters/TV slides

- Diary checks / schedule amendments – look out for public holiday shifts!


1. Deleting Voicemails

Please make sure that we are deleting voicemails daily. Too often are messages being left on the machine or archived which becomes confusing for the next receptionist to action. Its also a bit embarrassing and unprofessional for us to be making those double up calls for a client who left the message days ago!

2. Health Fund Checks

Make sure that you are looking for any client who is booked in with a therapist with HF limitations. We need to make sure that all clients with them are either not claiming or with a HF that is okay for that therapist. Please remember to make sure that alerts are up to date, and there are notes written on the appointment.

3. Arrival

Please make sure that you are on time for all your shifts - which means 10mins prior! This allows smooth handover between shifts, a calm start, and your team mates leave on time. You should be in full uniform, neat and tidy presentation at the start time of your shift.

4. Phones

Personal phones must be away with all belongings in the office and on SILENT. Please make sure you are prompt with answering the clinic phones as soon as you are able to. Don't prioritise conversation with team mates or other staff over a client. Simply say, "Excuse me one moment" and answer the phone. They will understand.

7. Customer service

Always make sure that you are giving a 5 star service every time. Think about your presentation, smile, tone, choice of words with all your interactions. Are you being friendly, reliable and confident? We need our clients having trust and confidence in us and our services which starts with you!


Thank you to everyone for your support with the restrictions and policies we have had in place during this time. We know at times it is not easy or comfortable but we all obviously need to do our bit, but your efforts and willingness to follow along are greatly appreciated. You guys have been ace!

Thank you all in advance for your hard work for these next two weeks while I am away! Work with each other and don't be afraid to reach out to the PM's or Kristy if you need.


Thanks Team,

Enjoy the rest of your week!

EM x

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